Attention in details.
In all our sessions we provided a Professional, dedicated and therapeutic touch, effective and personalized.
In all our sessions we use just organic cold press coconut oil locally produced.
In all our sessions we use natural essential oils giving the benefices of the Aromatherapy.
In all our sessions we count with hand picked selection of soft music for Music therapy.
We well know:
Our reputation is in our hands.
As been a gorgeous journey, a passion, a commitment and thousand of re calibrations, some fails loaded with crucial learnings, and thousands of timeless momentums of healing, joy and connection.
After almost 20 years of practice and celebrating our 15th anniversary at our studio in the heart of Nosara, is for me a huge honor share with you the seed of what i visualize, a honest path to contribute in the amazing shifting of a healthier humanity.
The dream can be bigger than the dreamer? maybe, (a seed knows how big will be the tree?)
I see thousands of practitioners taking the Joy & Connection Bodywork foundation as a tool, as part of their journey and sharing the wonderful benefits tho their communities, i see healthier, happier people more in tune with their bodies.
I can just feel so much gratitude for each person that came to me, and just as i like to answer wen they ask me about were i train, "right here with you", which i found the most correct answer to keep learning about the fascinating endless connection between creation and consciousness.
So stay tuned, i will keep my practice one by one, but starting to move in the second stage of my purpose, the sharing of the philosophy and foundation of Joy & Connection Bodywork.
With Love.
Juan Carlos Saldana
1.Plan ahead to be at our Studio 5 to 10 minutes before to your appointment.
2. Remove bug spray, sunblock, makeup, hearings, jewelry, watch and sand before your session.
3.Turn off your phone during your session always.
4.Provide us all the info you consider important. Injuries, the work you do, how you feel in the moment, the pressure massage that you prefer or how much you love foot massage!.
5.Make sure you feel totally comfortable, find a cozy posture on the table and ask for adjustments in the temperature of the room if is needed.
6. Always feedback how you feel during your session, that help us to tune with your body.. each one is unique and we are present just for you.
7.Be present. Observe yourself, your mind, your body, your breathing.
Use this space to heal in multiple levels, the physical, mental and emotional.
8.Tune with your best version, enjoy, load yourself with peace, heal.
There's no need to rinse after your massage, our 100% natural coconut oil will nurse your skin.
We choose to work with the immense power of high vibrational healing touch, and we are very happy that you choose it to.